Our Services
Adult Home (AH)
ProProvides on-site monitoring, case management, food services, and personal care and/or home care services (either directly or indirectly) . Provides each resident with considerate and respectful care and promote the resident's dignity, autonomy, independence, and privacy in the least restrictive and most home-like setting consistent with the resident's preferences and physical and mental status.
Assisted Living Program (ALP)
Serves persons who are medically eligible for nursing home placement but serves them in a less medically intensive, lower cost setting.
ALP provides personal care, room, board, housekeeping, supervision, home health aides, personal emergency response services, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, medical supplies and equipment, adult day health care, a range of home health services, and the case management services of a registered professional nurse.
To be eligible, both Medicaid recipients and private-payers must be medically eligible for, and would otherwise require, placement in a nursing home due to the lack of a home or suitable home environment. However, eligible ALP residents must not require continual nursing care, be chronically bedfast, or be impaired to the degree that they endanger the safety of other ALP residents.
Other Services We Provide
Medicaid Options
ALP is a special program funded by traditional Medicaid (managed by the local Department of Social Services). We are also contracted with other types of Medicaid programs (MLTCs) which offer extra care and support through our Home Care Agency. Our business office staff will guide and assist residents and their loved ones in navigating this process to ensure you are maximizing your benefits.
Veteran Programs
We proudly accept our nation’s Veterans. We specialize in making sure our Veterans get a wide range of their benefits including VA pensions and compensations. We can create unique living environments, and many Veterans enjoy private rooms due to their unique needs. We maintain close relationships with agencies that provide peer mentoring, such as “Vet to Vet.”
Financial Planning
Our services are tailored to fit the individual needs of our residents. Our financial experts work with you to ensure proper financial planning and to make sure you are maximizing all of your allowable benefits.
“So helpful. They explained about rent and Medicaid and paperwork needed and support services provided and just made everything very easy to understand.”
— Tabitha M., Resident Daughter